
In the evening we set the tone for fun with artistic programs for all ages, hosting interactive shows with light, popular music or funny contests.

Artistic program

In the evening, the fun continues at the Majestic restaurant scene, especially designed for outdoor performances.
While the parents enjoy dinner, the children dance and play with the most beloved story characters .Here you'll be expected with unforgettable evenings spent in the company of the most talented local artists, where the dancers will teach you choreography and where you can watch fashion models who will present collections of prestigious Romanian designers.

We set the tone with nightly entertainment programs for adults, hosting shows for all tastes, with light music, folk or evening entertainment. Be prepared to experience summer and receive a sweet surprise gift - a huge cake, accompanied by a unique dance of hotel's staff , a sign of gratitude that you have chosen to spend your holiday in a special place on the Romanian coast.

Your good mood will start soon, and we ensure you that these beautiful moments will imprint in your hearts and also will convince you to come back with so much love! We are dedicated to these special moments for you, so that you will remember us with a smile on your face!

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Artistic program

In the evening, the fun continues at the Majestic restaurant scene, especially designed for outdoor performances.
While the parents enjoy dinner, the children dance and play with the most beloved story characters .Here you'll be expected with unforgettable evenings spent in the company of the most talented local artists, where the dancers will teach you choreography and where you can watch fashion models who will present collections of prestigious Romanian designers.

We set the tone with nightly entertainment programs for adults, hosting shows for all tastes, with light music, folk or evening entertainment. Be prepared to experience summer and receive a sweet surprise gift - a huge cake, accompanied by a unique dance of hotel's staff , a sign of gratitude that you have chosen to spend your holiday in a special place on the Romanian coast.

Your good mood will start soon, and we ensure you that these beautiful moments will imprint in your hearts and also will convince you to come back with so much love! We are dedicated to these special moments for you, so that you will remember us with a smile on your face!

Playgrounds for kids

Pentru ca ne-am gandit la toate, nu putem sa nu amintim si de locurile special amenajate pentru cei mici. Copiii sunt o prioritate in tot ceea ce facem, implicit in vacanta. Ei trebuie sa se distreze, sa se bucure si nu in ultimul rand, sa se joace. Am creat pentru ei mai multe spatii de joaca, atat in interiorul hotelului, in cadrul clubului pentru copii, unde ei pot colora, desena, picta si juca in voie, dar si in exterior, in parcul de copii cu tobogane, leagane si casute colorate, mereu sub atenta supraveghere a echipei noastre de animatori.

Sa nu uitam cat de importanta este perioada copilariei si cat de mult conteaza pentru prichindei sa se joace in aer liber si curat,dezvoltandu-si astfel si conditia fizica, ce contribuie la sanatatea lor atat de mult! 

Distractractia pentru ei e pe primul loc, mai ales cand afara e cald si soare! Parculetul nostru ii va incanta prin culorile sale vii si prin aventura ce o ofera! 
Va invitam si va asteptam cu drag pentru a crea momente frumoase, amuzante, de neuitat!

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Playgrounds for kids

Pentru ca ne-am gandit la toate, nu putem sa nu amintim si de locurile special amenajate pentru cei mici. Copiii sunt o prioritate in tot ceea ce facem, implicit in vacanta. Ei trebuie sa se distreze, sa se bucure si nu in ultimul rand, sa se joace. Am creat pentru ei mai multe spatii de joaca, atat in interiorul hotelului, in cadrul clubului pentru copii, unde ei pot colora, desena, picta si juca in voie, dar si in exterior, in parcul de copii cu tobogane, leagane si casute colorate, mereu sub atenta supraveghere a echipei noastre de animatori.

Sa nu uitam cat de importanta este perioada copilariei si cat de mult conteaza pentru prichindei sa se joace in aer liber si curat,dezvoltandu-si astfel si conditia fizica, ce contribuie la sanatatea lor atat de mult! 

Distractractia pentru ei e pe primul loc, mai ales cand afara e cald si soare! Parculetul nostru ii va incanta prin culorile sale vii si prin aventura ce o ofera! 
Va invitam si va asteptam cu drag pentru a crea momente frumoase, amuzante, de neuitat!

Sports Center & Fitness Area

You want to go on vacation, but also to keep your habit of doing exercise every day?

Our hotel is the perfect place where your lifestyle is respected, putting at your disposal a sports field, a facility for table tennis and fitness equipment at the pool.

We all know that sport is very important for health, so we won’t neglect you and we will help you to keep your body healthy and have a great mood!

Be always in a great shape and full of energy!

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Sports Center & Fitness Area

You want to go on vacation, but also to keep your habit of doing exercise every day?

Our hotel is the perfect place where your lifestyle is respected, putting at your disposal a sports field, a facility for table tennis and fitness equipment at the pool.

We all know that sport is very important for health, so we won’t neglect you and we will help you to keep your body healthy and have a great mood!

Be always in a great shape and full of energy!

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